Monday, May 26, 2014

An Interview with a Polytechnic Gold Medalist

This is Roche(not his real name), a recently graduated student of a local polytechnic in Singapore. I have personally known him throughout my teenage years and he is one of my best friends. Smart, witty and driven, Roche has recently been awarded a gold medal in his polytechnic and will be receiving it at his school’s graduation ceremony in May. To win a gold medal is no easy task. You have to be the best in your course of study(highest GPA), and be accomplished in you co-curricular activities Roche has agreed to give an interview to us at ExternusNation to find out more about know more about what drives him and his hopes and aspiration in the future. We will also be asking about his goals and challenges that he has faced. We hope that maybe something valuable can come out of this interview.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

(I don’t want to be identified so I will try to write this as honestly as possible without revealing my personal identity) I am a home-grown Singaporean Chinese, been living in Singapore all my life. I have flowed through primary and secondary school, just finished with polytechnic and now awaiting to serve my country in NS. I don’t believe in describing myself. I love sitting in the backseat. I enjoy doing what I love. My friends have said that I have a weird personality and I do funny stuff but yet I am intelligent and wise that they come to me for advice.

What is your ambition with respect to your career and personal life?
My career ambition is to become a doctor. I love to help others and I get this unexplainable deep warmth in my heart when I try to help. It is difficult for me to see someone suffering and I have this strong urge to help that person or animal or at least try to lessen its pain or suffering. Additionally, I also see myself going on overseas expeditions such as those in the Red Cross or the Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF). I find that their humanitarian works in areas of armed conflict, natural disasters or epidemics are extremely noble. These men and women are unsung heroes to say the least. I once read an article about the ongoing Syrian civil war where doctors and nurses would risk their lives to continue running their clinics or aid the wounded rebels, often under fire or rocket bombardments. It would be an honor to be able to work alongside individuals like these.

However, the way of life of a special forces operator had a mysterious magnetic pull on me. I have been thinking about becoming a Pararescue Jumper (PJ) in the US air force(USAF). Pararescue jumpers are a USAF special operations rescue unit that are tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in humanitarian and combat environments. They would risk their own lives and jump into the fray to rescue a fellow soldier. Their motto, ‘These things we do, that others may live,' really resonates with me. Is it even possible? A Singaporean boy becoming a PJ, a foreigner in a foreign army? Although, I have the support of my friends but I have not discussed with my parents but they seemed open to this idea. However, I am still searching for answers regarding recruitment and opportunities. It would be a hell-of-an-experience to test myself in the gruelling training course and join their elite ranks.

In my personal life, my ambition is to become a better man. It sounds simple but there are so little people who really look into and improve on themselves. I look up to men like Bruce Lee, Marcus Luttrell, Chris Kyle and Rocky Balboa. The characters that they embody and the philosophy they have, it speaks to me. Their life goals/purpose, extremely strong determination to succeed, confidence and courage to speak up but humility to listen to others and take their views into consideration; these are some attributes that I strongly admire. When I recall the past, I always have that feeling that I could have done this or that better; I did not have those attributes. Hence, I wanted to change myself and to develop these attributes in me.

How do you feel being awarded such a prestigious award?
It is a great feeling to have my hard work and determination being recognized by my school. It definitely propels me to move forward but it also opens up opportunities for me. This is not the end for me to stop working hard. This is only the beginning where I must prove my worth in the real world now.

Why did you choose to study at a polytechnic and not a junior college? Why did you choose the course you were in?
I chose to study in a polytechnic for many reasons. I am good at biology and my ambition is to become a doctor, so naturally, I chose to study a life sciences course. I also did not want to attend JC even though I had a good score. My secondary school teachers would ask me why when I was in secondary 4. The reason is that I wanted to have more time to pursue other things in life such as music and personal development. I don’t think I would be able to achieve so many other things if I were in JC.

What challenges have you faced so far?
Life is full of challenges, failures, goals, accomplishments. My life is no different. Studying for my diploma was challenging but it allowed me to grow and develop academically and mentally. There were a few difficulties in my personal life. I had a few depressing moments where I felt that everything was going wrong but I pushed forward. I think that social life and relationships are fun but sometimes things go miserably wrong. These trivial things are definitely not such a big deal but trying to study hard to score well while feeling miserable can be struggle.

I was in this phase of self-abuse in primary and secondary school. It started as a fun thing to do in primary 5 but it became serious in secondary school. I thought it was manly to be able to be crazy enough to cut myself and endure the pain. In secondary school, I used it as a form of self-punishment. I would keep a penknife in my pencil case and if I didn’t score well enough for a test or had a bad grade, I would cut myself as a form of punishment because I let myself down. I had this mentality that I must study hard and have a perfect score for no apparent reason. I also used this as a form of “relief”, I was having relationship issues with that unstable hormonal imbalances, I would cut myself because a girl didn’t appreciate what I did for her. It was so bad at one time, that the whole of my left forearm were covered with self-inflicted wounds. In sec 4, I realize this was childish and so I just threw that penknife into my classroom dustbin and I promised myself not to do it again. Do not self-abuse, kids. You think it may relieve you or solve your problems but it doesn’t. There are so many other ways to help yourself. Read motivational blogs.

Making conversation is my biggest weakness. I am an introvert by natural and I don’t like networking or socializing. However, I realized that interaction with the people that matters to you is essential. They may be your lecturers, teachers, superiors, friends or love interests; whoever they may be, they are important in my life. When I was young, I found myself at a disadvantage. Even though I might be love and be extremely curious about a topic that I was learning in school, I would be so afraid of asking the teacher. Presentations were terrifying too even though I might be well-versed with my topics. This was even worse when I am talking to girls I am interested in; I would stutter or there would be awkward silences when talking to girls that I like. Being unable to make conversation with ease limits me in every aspect of my life: gaining knowledge, relationships or opportunities in business or academics. I had to changed it. What helped me was reading on online guides to conversation or watching videos on youtube like RSD or Mad Men’s Don Draper. These things helped me a great deal and I think I can hold a decent conversation with anyone now, provided that I am willing to…

Other than that, my personal life is quite normal. I try not to let my emotions gain control over me but sometimes it just overwhelms me. In facing each challenges, I think it is important to know that this pain will not last, do your best and try to overcome/succeed. Do not find an excuse to give up but find an excuse to win.

What inspires you?
Great writers or thinkers such as Marcus Aurelius, Nelson Mandela or Theodore Roosevelt inspires me. Their life and writings about their thoughts and reflections gives a great example for me to guide my own life by. I love quotes like "The chain on anyone of my people are the chains on all of them. The chains on all of my people, are the chains on me." by Nelson Mandela. It tells me that even though we might be accomplished as a person, it means little when the people around are lacking behind. So I made a goal to try to always support and encourage everyone I know and never to have negative intents towards anybody.

Special Operations Forces (SOF) motivates me too. Do not quote me, I have never been in the SOF. I’m just a wheelchair operator who reads about them but these are my thoughts. Soldiers in the SOF are lean and mean but their greatest strength is not their physical ability. It is their indomitable will. In their training, they were taught never to give up, never to surrender. Being pushed past their physical limit in their training but still being expected to thrive in such situation, it is never an easy road being in the SOF and that makes my heart bulge. I wish I will have an opportunity to join such a team in the future to challenge myself and know the absolute limits of my body and mind. Best of all, being able to serve and protect the people you love is a great honor. Looking at war through the eyes of SOF operators or even just soldiers brings another perspective. It is clear to them and misunderstood by most of everyone else that they fight war out of love and not hatred. People think that all soldiers kill because they hate the enemy. They kill because they love their family and country and these enemies want to destroy what they love. They push themselves to their absolute limit because they want to be the best protector of their family or country and never want to see them hurt. It is greatly admirable that they sacrifice. Some sacrifice all but all sacrifice some. It is no different for any soldier defending their country. 

What/who motivated you to do well?
To be honest, I motivate myself because I feel that I should always improve in everything that I can do. It is my chosen life goals and ambitions that propel me forward. I think it is important to find/choose our own great purpose in life and to pursue it relentlessly. My simple objective in life is to be happy, fulfilled in my work, serve others and to mentor people to be great or successful.

However, I have to give thanks to my family, my parents and my sisters who are extremely supportive of me in whichever path I chose to take and always give their wise advice to this young boy. I am immensely grateful for that. Having a great set of friends to cheer you on helps immensely too.

What is the secret of your success? Are there any significant turning points that have made a big difference in your life?
There are no secret to my success. Success is achieved by the determined. The talented and gifted may win at first but ultimately, the guy with the biggest determination to succeed will win. I know that it sucks badly to stay up all night to study for that test, work long hours or endure so much pain to keep up the pace for your 2.4km run but think about all that you will achieve at the end of it. If you want to succeed, you have to want success as badly as you need to breathe. Success begins with your mindset. You may love success but never be afraid to lose. That fear will stop you from achieving your greatest. All great things are hard to achieve, but even in failing, it is great. Do not think that there is only either win all or lose all, there is always something in the middle that is still admirable and satisfactory but always aim for the best.  

There was an extremely significant turning point that made me want to change myself totally. It happened first semester of year 2. I was chasing this girl who was in the same course as me. She was cute, pretty, smart, and intelligent and every positive adjective you can say about her. Well, because love makes a man forget all logic and wisdom, especially crushes, yaaaaaeeeee? Well, after many attempts to win her heart, she still wouldn't give me a chance. She rejected me in the worst possible way (that I feel), by being soft and apologetic. Unfortunately, I still didn't take the hint that I wasn't her kind of guy because I didn’t understand what was going on. Sometimes I will look back and I would feel sorry for younger self. I was heartbroken back then. If there was a competition for beta-ness, I would be the world champion, there is no contest. However, the lucky stars aligned on that day, the god of aesthetics, glorious, fair and almighty Zyzz, blessed me with a friend who shared with me a pirated ebook, "No More Mr Nice Guy". But seriously, this book, I tell you, was the most significant turning point in my short 20 years of living.

The book describes the Nice Guy Syndrome, where males are passive-aggressive; they would do things for the women in their lives, women like the mothers, sisters, spouses, girlfriend, colleagues or even just friends, and secretly want them to return the favors that the men have done for their women. It made me realize how much of a nice guy I was (as defined and described in this book). The book describes the unhealthy consequences of being a nice guy in relationships, work and in terms of personal happiness. His sound logical approach to explaining the ‘Nice Guy' syndrome and the solutions to end it definitely hooked me into changing my life for the better. I started looking for man role models to follow such as Rocky Balboa (played by Sylvester Stallone) and Bruce Lee, so that I can learn from their character and actions to make myself a better man. Looking back now, I have really changed significantly from a soft unsure kid to a man that is confident and mature enough, (almost) ready to take on the world.

There are 2 quotes that I remind myself daily. They remind me of my goals and to live life to the fullest:
"The things we do, so that others may live." - Pararescue's creed
My dream is to be a pararescue jumper or doctor, so this keeps me motivated. It touches me dearly that there are people in the world that would do everything, even risk their lives, to try and save another person's life or alleviate their pain and suffering. Who would have imagined? The one of the world's toughest and deadliest soldiers having a soft compassionate side to them. But compassion is one of the noblest virtues anybody can exemplify. If you ever idolise superheroes like Superman and/or The Avengers, these guys are the real-life heroes; soldiers, doctors, nurses. They might never have a selfish thought for themselves before trying to help others. I admire that greatly and I want to be a part of that.

"Life isn't about how hard you hit but how much you can get hit and keep forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa
This quote reminds me of my own struggles and that I should always have the will to push forward. It tells me that no matter how great your achievements are, you should always improve and go beyond. I do not like to compare myself with others for there is no other greater competition than with the person I see in the mirror, the perfect person I imagine myself to be. On the other hand, if you asked me, “Is achieving a gold or silver medal prize in your course a great achievement? You are the top student of your course, how do you feel?” Sure, I would feel proud, but this isn't a great achievement to me. How does being a top student help the world? It has nothing to do with any contributions to society, it only signifies a potential that I will contribute greatly to society. I will never be satisfied with what I have presently. So, wait for me to achieve something great, then I will brag about it.

End of Interview.

Now that's the end of the interview. Roche showed great determination and a strong belief in himself when facing challenges or chasing after his goals, be it professional or personal. However, he only became the person he is today because he puts himself out of his comfort zone and starts to practice and learn from his mistakes.

I hope you have taken something good away from this. I did not attempt to shorten or edit it because I wanted it to be read as intended by Roche. 

See you in the next post.
Omega out.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Being Abandoned and 3 Things That Motivated Me
I was abandoned! Well, not in all aspects of my life but in the project my team were tasked to tackle. Nearing the final stretch, the going got tough, the weak fizzled out and their true character showed. I was left alone on the final lap of the project with little work to work with to help my cause. I had to do a lot on my own.

But I soldiered on and work my abandoned butt off. At the end, I can say I enjoyed the challenged and found a renewed confidence in tackling tasks on my own.

Here are 3 things that motivated me along the way:

  1. The lecturer doubted me
    I came to class, settled down on the empty table and chairs where my teammate's butts should have filled. I looked around and see other teams building up their ideas and looking seemingly chilled about the whole project and presentation we had to do at the end of the day. They were relaxed and confident in their teams and one of them even threw a snide remark at me (I'll come to that in point 2).

    In comparison to the other teams, filled with discussion and life, I was a lone ranger sitting at an over sized desk. My lecturer looked at me displeased and seem to be angry at my team and even me. She doubted my abilities and even asked me what I was going to do. She was probably hinting for me to give up and go home. But to me, there was only one option, do the project on my own with the now added incentive of proving her wrong.

  2. Snide remark by classmate
    During the team formation period, I decided to stick to my current group and not join other teams as I promised my group that I was going to be there for them. On the final stretch of the project I probably looked pathetic on my own and a member from the other team particularly enjoyed my plight and said something along the lines of "Look at BROCO, he didn't want to join our team, now he's alone." It drew scattered laughter and pity out from my fellow classmates for me.

    When this happened, I was thinking to myself, "What is up with this people, can't I do this on my own?". Well no, to be honest I thought something more along the lines of "*$%& you, you weak &$*%." It was when I realize how they needed reassurance from their teammates and if they were in my situation, they would probably take the teacher hint, head home and give up on the project altogether. And that snide remark gave me that boost to ace the whole presentation, not on my own, but armed with my buddy Determination and the doubts they have in me.

  3. My mindset
    I think as humans we tend to succumb to fleeing if the consequences were minor or non-existent. In my case, skipping that day would not be too much of an issue and the easier way out was to pack up, give up, go home. But my mindset made me think about the abundance of incentives that await me if I tackled the project even if I am on my own. I would learn so much and build my character and belief in myself from that experience. So I never considered fleeing and pressed on towards the only option in my mind, acing the presentation even if I had to do it on my own.

There will be times when odds are stacked against you and the option to flee seems like an enticing prospect. But a strong mindset that relish challenges and the desire to reap the rewards will bring you through these times. Oh, and don't forget the doubts and bullshit from the haters, that will give you a boost too.

"We are never out of the fight, join the fight."
BROCO out.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

3 Consequences of Being The Overly-Attached Guy

(This is a true story based on personal experiences)

I looked at her. She is stunning. Not a perfect 10, but she was perfect in my eyes.
For privacy purpose let's call her Li (Broco and Li, Broccoli).
Back then, I was probably thinking, "Man, if god was an artist, she would be his finest masterpiece". I have been talking to her, going out with her for the past few months. She's been dropping all kinds of IOIs (Indicator of interest).
Things are going great. I was excited and began to talk to her a lot more. A LOT. I started to tell her how I felt, how much I adored her (Dumbest move of the century).

Here's why:
  1. She begins to think I am shit
    Ah…I remember when we first met. I was minding my own business, going about my daily routines. Didn't have a goal back then, was a playful douche. Then suddenly, the universe aligned, the angels came down from the heavens and cupid shot an arrow. I met Li.
    Li was interested to find out who this attractive lad was (Douche me). She initiated conversations and dropped IOIs. Damn I was happy and I found her attractive too. After all, she was god's finest masterpiece.
    I began to chat with Li and tell her how I felt about her. Slowly and stupidly, my life started to revolve around her. I talked to her everyday till talk became pester. I began to look like a depressed douche when all the love was not reciprocated. I even let her know how depressed I was. I thought this would help me win her back.

    What happened here?
    Li began to distant herself away after I got too deep and possessive by talking to her every day, telling her how I feel and trying to make her mine and only mine. She started to smell shit. Li first grew fond of me when I was being the playful douche I was. Now, I was just the possessive douche.
    And you know the rest. She confirmed her suspicions that I was shit.
  2. I was no longer a challenge
    You see, I got too caught up talking to her, telling her how I feel and making her my life greatest priority. What the hell, I only knew her for like 2 months and yet I felt that my life was ruined if I lost her.

    What happened here?
    I was no longer a challenge and easy to get. I seemed like I was a needy guy without any purpose in life. In other words, I was like a child needing to be cared for every minute of the day. Does Li want to be the girlfriend of a child? No, in her eyes, I became a child.
  3. The other guys talking to her became sexy beasts
    We tend to compare things whether we know it or not. We may do it unconsciously but I am pretty sure we compare almost everything. When you are in a class full of bad students, you feel like a Harvard student because you compare yourself to the bad students. But what happens when you go into a class of full of Einsteins? You suddenly become Doofus.

    What happened here?
    When I became a child, the other normal guys bumped up the sexy scale from 3 to 8. They became attractive in comparison to me and like gravity, she was drawn to them.
    This made me sadder. I let her know I was sad. She didn't care, even if she did, it was pity. Like the pity you have for the ants you stepped on by accident.

Final thoughts
At the end of the day, I believe it is the mind-set that messed me up. I was possessive over Li and was afraid to lose her.

What mind-set then?
Understand that she is only one of many aspect of my life at that point and that losing her would just meant that we were not right for each other. I should remain as the playful guy with my family, friends, hobbies and academics being all the other aspects of my life. With that mind-set, I wouldn't be the baby I became. I would be the playful attractive douche that I once was.

If you laughed at my pathetic plight I was once in and wish to mock me further, go ahead and like the Externus facebook page.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


As the new year dawns, we begin to examine your life, our relationships and the things we did in 2013. You may bash yourself for doing that stupid thing you shouldn't have done or praise yourself for sticking to a certain goal and achieving it. Whatever it was, it happened in 2013, the past. Take the good and shed the bad although you may not be the man you wanted to be in 2013. With the new year approaching, here are 5 values that will transform you into the man you can be.

1. Purpose

We tend to ask ourselves, “What is our purpose?”. For centuries, human beings are biologically wired to seek success and greatness. This sense of self fulfillment enables us to look deeper into who we are and what have we become. You may have blossomed into a great man, or you are still just another creeper getting thrills from admiring pretty girls walking down the street (we are guilty).

Men today are influenced greatly by external factors such as our parents, friends, economy, religion and societal norms. In some ways, these social agents influence our thoughts and beliefs which deter us from what we really want. 

You may have wanted to be a musician when you were younger but your parents told you that it is not realistic in the current society and the paycheck is trivial. Yes, this is what we are talking about! Developing a purpose in life is important as it serves as a guiding star for us. Our purpose allows us to develop our actions into passion, possibly providing services for the greater good of society, bringing the human race forward as a whole. 

A Man with passion and purpose is often seen as dedicated and disciplined. You do not want to be the Man who lived till 82 years old, regretting on his death bed and thinking, I should have done this and that. However, this is not to be clearly mixed up with the phrase ‘YOLO (You Only Live Once)’.


"You can start by throwing yourself wholeheartedly into something you love to do. It could be gaming, sports, music, arts, writing a book or even starting a business.

Whatever it is, a Man must have purpose in their life. It serves as a guide in all principles of life."

2. Strong Willed

Take a few seconds now and think about events that happened to you last year.

What are your regrets from the year 2013? 

  • Failing a subject? 
  • Didn't stick to an exercise program? 
  • Failing to complete a new year’s resolution? 
  • Hurt someone dear to you because you lost your temper? 
  • Spend less money on things you don’t need? 
  • Waste less time surfing the internet aimlessly? 

Ever wondered why did you regret something or how you completed a resolution? It is willpower, or the lack of it. 

What is willpower? It is the ability to control one’s actions and emotion. Resisting the temptation to be a couch potato for the day and indulge in your fried potato friends because your goal is to lose weight. Not shouting back at your friend because he insulted your family jewels (show him who’s the man through your actions). Completing a difficult assignment ahead of the deadline. Being calm and rational when someone is angry at you. These actions take willpower. Of course, some things are out of your control like an accident or unfavorable conditions but a large majority of events are in your control. You can take control of it and that takes your willpower.


Willpower is actually a simple, yet very powerful tool. There are several studies on willpower and you probably heard about the marshmallow experiment. Four-year-old children were left alone in a room with a marshmallow in front of them. The children were told they could eat the marshmallow right away, or wait 15 minutes to receive an additional marshmallow. 

The children with the highest self-control, those who were able to wait in order to double their white gelatinous booty—grew up to become fitter adults who got better test scores and grades and enjoyed healthier relationships.

Mahatma Gandhi once said,

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

3. Courage

With a laser like purpose and an iron will, you begin to make steps towards the man that you could be. You work hard, toiling away at your goal. It could be diligently gaining knowledge to get the dream job you long for or it could be clocking in painful hours in training sessions to become the best athlete around. Whatever it is, all the time and effort spend achieving your goal or purpose makes your life pretty much you, your goal and those dreaded obstacles.

The obstacle is anything that hinders your journey towards your goal in life. It could be an external or internal obstacle. Picture this, you are a varsity athlete, it’s competition season. Two months in, your stringent diet plans and devastating training sessions is proving to be highly effective. You begin to see improvements, thanking your strong will that got you this far. But temptations lurks in the corner, an obstacle in the form of scumbag friends turns up and chide you for being a party pooper when you try to head home early to prepare for practice tomorrow. They insult your family jewels once again, do you have the courage to stand up to them and not bother about their opinions? 

There will be times where we are torn between difficult decisions, having the courage to do what is right or just is a crucial skill anyone should have. Another example of courage takes on a more heroic form of sort. You see someone having trouble fitting in, getting bullied by guys who look like their early childhood calcium source is packed with proteins, he definitely needs some help. Help that you can lend if you have the courage to stand up to these bigger guys. 


On a larger scale, the late Nelson Mandela had the courage to fight against the unjust system of apartheid, he fought for equal rights for the blacks and the whites and peace in South Africa. Even though you may not be the most courageous individual, but little courageous acts can change your life and someone else’s.

4. Respect

So, after the Man in 2014 is armed with purpose, will, courage, what else is there for the Man? We think it is respect. 

Before he respects anyone else, we should be able to respect ourselves. When self respect is attained, we will be aware of how we present ourselves towards others. A respectful man is a considerate man, this being said, it eliminates all sorts of prejudice that we might have if we are not respectful to a certain individual or object. Without any prejudice, our actions and reactions to others will be just. 

On top of that, it is important for us to respecting each other places no matter who we are. As quoted by Albert Einstein, “He treats everyone the same way, despite their status in life.” Only then, we would be genuine in the relationships we foster in our lives.


So go on, be respectful, be genuine in fostering relationships. After all, respect is earned, not given. And when the next time comes where you demand respect, remember, you must first give it.

5. Humility

Humility in a man is defined as knowing his abilities for no lesser or greater than what they really are and accepting the fact that he does not know all the answers and is not afraid to change direction if he see things wrong. He has an absence of pride and does not feel the need to validate and compare his self worth based on others.

You may think that humility in a man signifies weakness, submissiveness and fear. If you think it's right to scold your “lower-ranked” colleagues who were right to correct you just to remind them who's the boss, you are wrong. 

Ernest Hemingway once quoted that “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” He knew that true humility is a sign of strength, dignity and confidence and being humble embodied what being a man was.


1. Sharing in praise & credit
When working in a team, a prideful man would take credit wholeheartedly during a successful project as it validates his self worth and this enables him to keep up the false masquerade of success as he climbs the corporate ladder. Be the man that is humble and share the praise & credit because deep down you know that the success would not be possible without the hardworking people who supported you.

2. Having a common touch

When you have attained the success you desire in life, remember that you were once struggling and hustling on the streets. A humble man would view himself no different or of higher esteem than the ordinary folk even though he might be worth a billion dollars. He doesn’t brag about the recent trip around europe on his private jet when a ordinary folk can only travel once a year on discounted fares. He understand that everyone’s experiences are equally important and interesting and that no man is of greater value than of another, for the value of a life is another.

3. Doing things while not expecting anything in return

Fulfil your duty in work,family,country while not expecting any returns or validation for your service. A humble man moves and navigates through life serving others at the same time making the world a better place for the future generations. This fulfil his purpose in life and brings him a step closer to deciphering out his version of the meaning of life.

The time for evaluation is over, do not bother about what you did as a man in 2013. As you look forward, take away the 5 values, let them be embodied by the Man you can be.

- Externus Nation